Calming Qi Visualization

Be in a comfortable place - lying down, sitting, have a pillow or a blanket if needed.

  • Breath

  • Rub your hands together quickly - getting prana or chi in between hands

  • Place them on your body where ever you like

Imagine the chi in your hands as light - sun/star light

  • you can make it brighter or more dim

  • you can make it more saturated or translucent

  • As we have learned from Quantum Physics energy follows thought - it can go anywhere you direct it to go with a thought and adding an image magnifies that

Cell Imagery

  • Imagine a circle and within that circle are little squiggly lines, spiraled lines, little circles inside the circle. We call these RNA, DNA, Mitachondria.

  • These all in a beautiful bath of water

  • Imagine that the center of this cell is like the sun, shining its light from the center out, soothing and enriching all parts of the cell and radiating this light, this chi beyond the cell and into the area around the cell.

  • Now, with the effort of a thought, all the cells the body match this. Science tells us that cells can do this. Give them a piece of information or a message and all other cells match it. That message could be vibrant

  • Let’s give these cells a message. Choose your own of pick one that I suggest: vibrant health, enjoy the moment, be flexible, resilient and adaptable, tickle and laugh a lot.

Breath that in

Coherent Heart Imagery:

  • bring your focus to the heart.  Place your hands here if they are not already.

  • image of your hands radiating light, that chi

  • imbue that into the heart, around it, inside of it - all four chambers 

  • pick a memory that has a deep joyful, loving or grateful moment.  Could be a moment in nature, or time with friends or family.  Completely unique to you.  Sit with that memory and let its emotion come forward and seep into the cells of the body.  All those cells resonating together all over the body in every layer from bone to skin.

  • breath that in

  • your heart sets the tone for the rest of the body, invite all the organs and brain to match the heart.  Think of the heart as a conductor and the orchestra is the rest of the body playing in beautiful harmony and rhythm.  

  • Imagine the light/chi from the heart goes up into the neck, mouth, eyes, ears, and brain

  • Imagine the light going to the shoulders, down the arms into the hands and fingers

  • Imagine the light going down into the belly and pelvis, down the legs to the feet and to the toes


Surface of Skin:

  • Now imagine that light coming to the surface of the skin - humming just above the skin - front back, sides top bottom.  It can be any color that feels good to you. 

  • Bring that joyful, happy moment back now and have the skin and just off the skin radiate this emotion.  No effort, just a thought.

Stay here and breath in several times.

All the cells, heart, organs, all systems are humming harmoniously


Audio Recording


What kind of bodywork do you do?


Heart Coherency