The Magic of CranioSacral Therapy

I was first introduced to CranioSacral Therapy in 1998. It rocked my world. I completely fell in love with it and all these years later I still am.

What is it? Simple version: The head (cranium) and the pelvis (sacrum) hold the brain and the spinal cord known as our Central Nervous System. There are 3 layers of fascia tissue around the brain and spinal cord. And, therein is a fluid that nourishes all the layers of tissues. The fluid creates a rhythm - an ebb and flow like the ocean. It can be felt with your hands. can be perceived from a distance - that takes practice!

In my early days of doing CST I was working with a young girl who had many challenges with her nervous system. She got into a workshop where she could be treated by a group of high level instructors. It was a large group of students (such as myself) to learn from them. Well, my seat was at the back of the auditorium. It was hard to see details so I decided to see if I could perceive the ebb and flow of the CSF and most importantly perceive the Still Point (a therapeutic/reset moment). The Still Point is key in the process of healing. After 3 days of practice, I learned to perceive this subtle physiological process and the energetics of it. I have applied to all of the modalities that I do.

And now, I have applied CranioSacral therapy while I am teaching Gyrotonic. (WOW). While the client is moving, my hands are usually on you to extenuate the lengthening and the expansion of the whole body. With that I follow CranioSacral Rhythm! Such a spectacular combo. This last week I worked with someone to release trauma from quite a long time ago. Deep healing can happen in so many ways. Having weight on the arms or legs with this responsive Pulley System invites the CranioSacral Rhythm to join it. Where there is a still point, there is healing.

For some, this process needs to be quiet on a massage table, or walking in the woods. Or… doing Gyrotonic. Let the discovery process begin!

If you’d like to schedule an appointment, click here

I look forward seeing you soon.


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